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You know, one of the saddest things about the church is how everybody who seems called of God must feel this need to be “autonomous.” I have never understood it. I mean, if you turn on one of these preachers or ministries to hear them preach, some of their favorite passages are taken from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 New Living Translation
One Body with Many Parts
12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 13 Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.
14 Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. 15 If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?
18 But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. 19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part! 20 Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. 21 The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”
22 In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. 23 And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, 24 while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. 25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. 26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
Do you see what I am saying?
Unfortunately, though, more times than not when these “Clergy,” use those scriptures they use them to defend their “Right,” to thoroughly ‘REBUKE,” any individual who may be thinking about leaving their church and going down the street to another church.
I have been an eyewitness to this for over forty years.
“Whooooaaaa, hold on their buddy, don’t you know the scriptures, ‘You are part of the body man, you're like a foot, or an ear, why if you were to leave our little ‘congregation,’ you would be like some ear laying on the sidewalk and soon someone would come along and step on you, why we need you man, don’t you ever think of leaving our little church.”
“We need you, we need your tithes, we need your offerings, why we need that sad little pathetic face always following behind the leader licking his boots.”
“You can’t leave our church, let me show you what the scriptures say….see right there…I am sorry, man, but you are here for life.”
You know, and then right after the leader rebukes the poor fellow, he’ll get in the pulpit and preach to the congregation or any possible new convert, “Why you must be “saved,” there is only one church, there isn’t a Baptist church, Catholic Church, Seventh Day Adventist, Episcopalian, or Anglican church, we are all one.”
I mean, we can’t stand any of those other churches and especially the people, but we are “One.”
Haven’t you ever heard that song in which we all sing, as the churches come together on the Town Square every Groundhog Day?
“Oh, all right, maybe perhaps, I embellished a little, but do you get my point?
This is why America is going to Hell.
Could I speak a truth here?
God called me from a life of serious “Sin,” I had issues, but I also had a drug addiction. There for a long while, I could not look people in the eye, I had so much inner shame that I seriously could not look a person in the eye.
Every day, of my life before I could function in society, I would literally have to take some kind of drug. I had overdosed a number of times and although I wasn’t to the point where I consistently had to have a ‘fix,’ of heroin, I had to have some kind of drug in my body. I overdosed a few times, and the last time was from shooting up heroin.
For some strange reason, as well, I must have had some kind of destructive demon which also wanted to end my life. I never had much optimism for living and never ever thought that I would make it past thirty.
I mean, when we would take Acid, THC, Mescaline, Dog Tranquilizers, whatever, if we were told the dosage was one, I would take three.
At the time my older brother was once called to come and get me, because that day, I had just popped three THC or Tranquilizers. I was like in a zombie state for hours and hours that day. He never had taken any drugs up to that particular time, not even a joint of weed.
Well, this morning I heard a testimony of another brother who went through much of what I went through. This man had been so destroyed by Satan that he stated that he couldn’t even look in his “own” eyes in a mirror.
I can’t remember if I was that bad, but I sure wouldn’t have been looking into anything “beautiful” in which God created.
You see, God created us to be beautiful, confident, full of light.
Satan on the other hand has one purpose for man in this life and that is to Steal, Kill, and to Destroy our self-image, as well, as our physical bodies.
I mean, lately there is all of this talk about obesity, and the unhealthy attributes in which most Americans are suffering from.
Well, I never had any issues with my weight or health until after I went through some “serious depression.” And “Yes,” even during a period when I was a Christian. Satan never gives you a break or time off from his attacking you.
Day or night, in good times, in bad times, the devil has one mission and that is to destroy both you, as well, as your children or family. You see, I am not trying to say, “You become ‘born again,” and then all your problems are solved, but what I am saying, is that for most sincere individuals who become Christians, eighty-seven per cent might be resolved before you can even grasp all that has happened.
This is because God restores your “spirit,” to a time before Adam and Eve sinned. You become new and spiritually beautiful.
Then, when you look in the mirror or someone looks into your eyes, they see beauty instead of sadness, they see life instead of death, they see a spark of God, instead of a Satanic grin, as if you have some great secret.
Could I tell you a true story?
Years ago, I was in a church somewhere and this mother was holding this little child, a very young little girl perhaps four or five years old. Well, I believe we were in the congregation and the ‘worship,’ had just finished. So, it was at the point of a service where the people are encouraged to shake each other’s hands or to greet or whatever, (sometimes, I just hate those parts of the service, I don’t have time for such trite, just kidding! Maybe.) Anyway, this mother was holding her child and I went through the formalities, I shook the Mother’s hand and then reached down to shake the little girl’s hand and she either spoke to me or something, I forget exactly. But when I looked into this little girl’s eyes, they were the most innocent, the most beautiful, the most exquisite eyes that I had ever seen in my life. They just radiated life and I am assuming it was God’s life, but I was so moved that I commented as I was raising my head to meet the mother’s gaze again. So, I spoke out with the intention of complimenting the mother and I said, “She has the most incredible eyes that I have ever seen in my life, she must have gotten them through…
Well, as I recall I got almost all of the words out, yet at that moment where I was about to say, “she must have gotten them from you,”
I was staring directly into her mother’s eyes. And my words just stopped dead when I was at the point where my eyes had met hers.
You know, when I first shook her hand or spoke to her, I had not really had a chance to look into her eyes, but as I was now looking directly at them, right after looking into that innocent Child’s eyes, there was just such a contrast.
I was so embarrassed because my words just stopped at the shock of gazing deep into the woman’s eyes.
(And let me say this very quick, I am not thinking of any person or any individual, but I know the Power of God's word., Satan is liable to say, "Why he is speaking about you," NO No, No, I am talking about a woman that I once met in church.)
They were just “Bland,” as the best way to describe them. There was no life in them and I believe that perhaps the Holy Spirit’s gifting of ‘discernment’ might have ‘kicked in’ a little because as I was staring into them I could just sense so much disappointment, so many broken dreams. Such sadness. It was as if I was staring into just an empty vessel.
Well, you would think that someone might have gotten mad for such behavior, but instead she gave me a look, and it was like, “I know, I know what you are seeing,” and she just gave me a sad little smile, like “Don’t worry about it, I understand, but I am going to try to spare my daughter of all that I have been through.”
But you see, I had been standing right next to her in the pew and normally during “worship,” many times people can sense that perhaps, I can see a little better than others in the supernatural?
But I mention that as sort of an analogy of what happens to a man or a woman who receives the life of Christ within them.
Matthew 6:22-24 New Living Translation
22 “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!
24 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.
From “Google AI:”
This verse suggests that we should guard against distractions and temptations that lead us away from God's light.
Well, that was a rabbit’s trail, but what I wanted to say was that since I have been delivered from such a destructive life, I have always felt that my obligation was to help others who are as lost as I was. Many times, over the years, I will get talking to an individual who really seems hopeless, or destitute and so then I will share with them my testimony and on occasion I will send them to a ministry where I know that they can get help.
Well, that used to be the case, but then the church took a turn. The church became self-sufficient, so that there is no need to help the destitute or the drug addicts.
And so, there have been many times when there was nowhere to even direct these individuals. The only churches in that area were those consumed with selfishness concerning their own lives.
No, the church moved “Uptown,” and before any newer churches could be built, they would have to hire some Market Research, to see which part of the cities were going to be the next suburbs consisting of the latest Professionals.”
I mean, “Here is your mission guys, you need to do research to find the next areas of the city where all of the new Professional white collar young people are going to be establishing their families. This is where we want to build our churches.
So invariably no one built churches in the inner cities, and no one helped to heal the many broken lives of the thousands of homeless and hurting or the veterans suffering from various ailments, yet none could get help because all of the “Spiritual Hospitals,” were in the suburbs.
“Gee John, I don’t understand that?”
Well, this was what Jesus said:
Taken from Google:
AI Overview
Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick" in Luke 5:31, Mark 2:17, and Matthew 9:12.
Jesus used this phrase to describe his mission to save the lost, and to reach out to those who are marginalized by society. The "sick" represent those who are aware of their need for spiritual healing and repentance. The "healthy" represent those who are self-righteous, such as religious leaders.
Jesus's message was inclusive, and available to all who recognized their need for redemption. He associated with tax collectors and sinners, who were often more open to his message.
Well, let me make it even plainer. “The reason why we have thousands and thousands of homeless, who are either all “strung out,” or “insane,” is because while the Church should have been building congregations in the inner cities and where the people who most needed the gospel were, instead they were doing Market Research in order to build in the communities where they wouldn’t have to deal with such scum.”
You see, instead of building hospitals, they were building “Country Clubs.”
And although many of these individual so-called Church Leaders were called, “Prosperity Preachers,” I have a completely different name for them.
Unfortunately, God’s word doesn’t allow me to share it with you.
Sorry, that was another Rabbit Trail, but don’t you like the Rabbit Trails, as much as the main context, as well?
I do!
So anyway, the whole purpose of this paper is to apologize to my readers for some recent postings. A few weeks ago, I believe that God opened a door for me to share the gospel with a whole other group of people out West.
Well, then I felt led to post “Links,” in order to give individuals who want to learn more about Christ an opportunity to become better educated concerning their ‘Salvation.”
You see, like I stated above, most Christian ministries want to remain ‘autonomous,” although they will readily agree that there is only “One body.”
Well, that’s just ‘nutz.’
I ought to be able to direct hopeful converts to God’s goodness to share or ‘sit in,’ on a morning Chapel at a Bible School.
Perhaps, it might encourage an individual even from Hollywood, to think about taking a “sabbatical,” for a season.
When I went to a Bible School in Tulsa, in 1983, I was fortunate to sit right in front of Donna Douglas, you know, Elly May, from the Beverly Hillbillies.
Once, I was sitting in my seat and my back began to itch, so I was scratching it, and the next thing I knew Elly May Clampett had reached up and scratched the very top part of my left shoulder.
I haven’t washed it since!
Nevertheless, I ought to be able to direct various hungry or curious individuals to any number of churches, so long as I think they are operated by healthy Pastors or Shepherds who love their “Sheep,” and so that’s why I established those links.
Well, the other day I posted one link and I sort of wished that I hadn’t.
You see, This Pastor has what to me is an obsession or something to preach a ‘Legalistic Tithe,” as part of his doctrine.
This means, that he believes that every person in his congregation is demanded by God to give that church at least ten per cent of their income.
No, if’s and’s or but’s, it is the duty of the congregation for each individual to be obedient to this DOCTRINE.
I mean, I heard him preach this if he has a different take, please have him call me and I will make any corrections immediately. In fact, I would feel better if you disregarded my statement and checked the facts for yourselves.
Nevertheless, I have watched the church for forty years and I believe that this is one of the most destructive doctrines which has been preached throughout the church when it is preached out of selfish motives.
2-3-25 Added Note: You know, I wrote about the anecdote with the little girl and the mother in church and I am sure that many people were curious, as to how someone could be so stupid as my behavior in church that day.
Totally, since coming to Houston, I have yet to find a powerful worshipping church, so I seldom have “Physically,” been in a congregation to worship, as I used to do before. Nonetheless, there for a while, maybe ten or twenty years, I used to have a method for “worshipping powerfully” during that part of the service.
As the ‘worship,’ would begin and as I joined in, it was as if my “spirit man,” would join in the worship with the congregation. Nonetheless, after a few minutes, I would begin to pray and to talk to God. I would say, “Jesus or Lord, bring me into a realm above “man’s thoughts.”
The reason why I would say this was because as I would feel my “spirit,” rise, I could sense those around me who were looking at me or criticizing me, as I normally would set my audio level of Prayer, just above the rest of the congregation. And so, as I would pray this it was as if ‘all of a sudden,’ it mattered little to what others were thinking or criticizing me about.
But then what would ultimately happen was that I would enter a realm which I believe was above our atmosphere and into an atmosphere where I perceived it to be “the second heaven.”
You see, Paul declared that he had entered the third heaven.
From “Google:”
AI Overview
The scripture that describes Paul's vision of the third heaven is 2 Corinthians 12:2.
Some Christians believe that Paul was referring to the spiritual heaven, or the place where God is, when he described the third heaven. Others believe that the third heaven is the celestial kingdom.
Now this was where I would in my mind have some of the worst attacks from Satan. I would be “worshipping” God and then in a moment, the most perverted thoughts would go through your mind, so in the beginning it always ‘tricked,” me into retreating or not seeking to go further in the “Spirit.”
Well, one day after continuing to experience this phenomenon of “worship,” I realized that it was a constant pattern in which having “ascended” in the “spirit realm,” this same pattern would emerge.
So, one day, as I was being attacked by these thoughts, instead of retreating, I rebuked the devil. I told the devil that these thoughts cannot be coming from my mind, but must be sent from you, so I began to rebuke them in the name of Jesus. I would think in my mind; I rebuke you Satan from planting these thoughts or attacking my mind with perverse thoughts.
Well, what happened was that after I learned to “rebuke the devil,” from holding my “spirit,” back from the realm where I found the most “peace of God,” it became easier and easier to ascend into tha realm. Soon, it was almost every time that I came to “worship,” I ended up in a realm where I had found so much “peace, wisdom, and revelation,” that there was no sense to ever go back to my former days of struggling in worship to be nearer to God.
But I share this because I want what God wants.
And what God wants is a “people,” who will be willing to battle in the “spirit realms,” in order to take this world back from the devil and to bring it in subjection to God.
Lastly, my point was to explain my behavior in church that day.
Here is the picture, the “worship” part of the service started, and I was off and running. Well, normally when I would ascend above those attacks of the devil in the “spirit realm,” I would literally become as “dumb as a rock” in the physical realm. I couldn’t tell you how many times where I would park my motorcycle or my car and then enter a “worship service,” in a church. Then, I would get so uplifted in the “Holy Spirit,” that my physical body was almost nonfunctional.
I mean, I could walk and talk and everything, but it’s like you can no longer calculate. I have spoken of this phenomenon many times in my writings. When you enter into the “spiritual realm,” it is sort of like you are using the ‘artistic,’ part of your brain, and not the side which analyzes.
So, time and again, I would be so uplifted in the “Spirit,” that I was “No earthly good,” to use a common expression that the world has attached to Christians.
Nevertheless, if it was one of those huge Mega churches, you might have seen me after a service walking to and fro all over the parking lot looking for my vehicle. Seriously, I am not kidding. It would sometimes take a few minutes or longer to adjust myself back in the flesh.
Well, as I said in the anecdote concerning the little child and her mother, the order of the service had changed to where you greet those around you, and as I was still very much in the “spirit,” I greeted the child and then when I began to compliment the mother, it was that my mind shut down having seen such sadness in her eyes.
Well, I have shared many times how the day after I write a paper the Lord will bring my words back to my memory in order to better clarify my statements. Today, he did that, and he wanted me to destroy another fallacy concerning the “Office of the Prophet.”
Sometimes, people will hear stories of Prophets, such as Smith Wigglesworth, Kenneth Hagin, or especially William Branham and then think, “Well this guy can read my mind, or he must know all the sins that I committed from childhood.”
Well, that is a very wrong perception. One of the first things that I learned concerning the Lord after I first became a Christian was that “’The Holy Spirit,’ is a gentleman.”
And what that means is that the Holy Spirit will never over-ride a person’s will, he will never manipulate an individual to do something that he doesn’t want to do.
The Holy Spirit will not expose individuals to prophets or any other persons, for the sake of “exposing,” or causing embarrassment to an individual unless it is for ministry purposes. So, what I am trying to say is that when God gives an individual these powerful gifts of discernment, it is not so that a “Gifted Individual,” can walk around and see every person’s life story.
As an example, I just got through telling you a story where sometimes in the operation of these “giftings,” you can be as “dumb as a toadstool.”
Many times, I have done or said things which are socially unacceptable and at the time were not even aware of it till later.
Nonetheless, this is what the Lord told me to share earlier today. If you find some idiot claiming to be a “Prophet,” and walking around as if he knows all things concerning your life or others then he is a charlatan.
The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. In fact, one of the most gentlest persons on the Earth. This is why it is ridiculous for the non-truly informed “Church,” to fear the third person of the Trinity.
Please notice when the Bible refers to the giving of supernatural gifts, that it says they are given according to God’s will.
He doesn’t necessarily just give a gift, so they can know all or see all, but it is according to what the Holy Spirit wills. Or allows!
From "Google:"
AI Overview
In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 12:11 states that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to people as he chooses.
Other Bible passages that mention spiritual gifts include: Romans 12:3-8 and Ephesians 4:11–16.
2-4-25 Lastly,
I wrote the above and then went online to hear an incredible Bible Study. Afterward I listened to a few You Tube clips and then began to hear the Lord again. He wanted me to clarify and to warn a few individuals who are in a type of spiritual danger.
You see, as I was telling my story on how I learned to “Pray,” in the Spirit, I should have explained it better. As I stated that in the beginning of a worship part of the church service, I would pray to rise in the “spirit realm,” above the accusations which I sensed were being directed toward my way. I would say, “Lord, take me above (this realm) of “the thoughts of man.”
And then I mentioned that the next phase was that I would find myself with the most perverse thoughts or in (a realm) where just nasty “words,” were like camouflaged into accusations saying or accusing me of being the author of those “thoughts,” or words.
Well, this would disrupt my whole worship, and I would begin questioning maybe analytically, why these were happening. In other words, it would halt my progress in the “spiritual realm.”
Therefore, after I learned by seeing the same pattern emerge, I realized that they were a distraction from keeping me to go further in “The Spirit.” Finally, however, once I learned to rebuke them then I never suffered them again and later it was much easier to attain a higher “fellowship,” with God.
What I just sensed from the Lord, though, was that he wanted me to explain this more plainly and to share how that this can be a problem for anybody who wishes to pass through that realm.
You see, what God had taught me was that as I entered through that “realm,” where those accusations bombarded me it was as if I was passing through with the protection of the Holy Spirit. You see, what I came to understand was that when I was being attacked in that “realm,” that was what would be known as the “Second Heaven,” This is the “realm,” where the demons and devils of Satan exist. The Bible and traditional theology makes it plain that Satan and one third of the angels were kicked out of God’s heaven.
Well, I am not here to defend or argue theology, as God has not called me to that, but what I am saying is that I believe that what I am telling you was revealed to me by God.
In other words, there is the heaven above us, the heaven above that heaven where demons and devils exist and then there is the third heaven which is Holy and can only ever be attained by someone who is also made “Holy,” to enter it. And we know, as a church that the only way anybody is made Holy is by the “blood of Jesus Christ.”
Now, I could have just quickly given you an explanation and gone on to bed as I only had an hour and a half sleep last night. I was up all night writing and then at about six, I realized that I had to be up at nine for a doctor’s appointment.
Nevertheless, what God just put on my heart was to warn a number of individuals concerning that realm of demons and devils. Years ago, during the Jesus Revolution a number of people (many hippies’) incorporated Transcendental Meditation into their religious life. Well, most Christians were warned of this. Way back then, when the church actually read theological books and charismatic books concerning “spiritual things,” the danger was recognized.
So, what I am saying though, is that for decades most Christians were warned about practicing these far Eastern Religions where you utilize meditation and other exercises to “expand,” your minds into what is known as the “spiritual Realm.”
Well, I believe stronger today than I have at any other time in my life that there is a “spiritual realm,” and not only that, but there are demons and devils who exist in this realm.
Therefore, when an individual dares to enter into these realms without the exact purpose of searching or seeking for the “One True God,” being protected by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, then one is setting themselves up for an invasion of “evil spirits,” within their own bodies.
And I am just alerting you as a Christian foremost, but also to anyone else who may be experimenting with these practices.
You do not want to allow your “spirit man,” to enter these realms of darkness because they are just as real as your next-door neighbor.
Nevertheless, I am also mentioning this as I have seen a trend for some Christians to incorporate “YOGA,” into their daily practices.
If you knowingly do this having been warned, then do not be surprised if all of a sudden you start having strange symptoms of some medical harassment or issue.
And this goes for those who have not been warned, as well.
I am telling you Demons and Devils are real and if you don’t believe me then come join me on a Bus Ride here in Houston some time.
Just kidding, as I don’t have the time to escort you around the city.
Nonetheless, you are welcome to bring a friend and perhaps you could make a weekend of it?
But God put it on my heart to warn His church tonight.
And this is what I am doing.
It is no joke!
Do you think it would be a joke if twenty years from now, every morning you were taunted or harassed by some persistent demon whose whole purpose is to torment those who are disobedient to God?
And not because God sent the punishment, but simply because YOU opened yourself up to the experience by trespassing where God has forbidden men to go?
It is only through the “Blood of Christ,” that anyone should ever enter the “spiritual realm.”
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