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From Google:
The following are all taken from one page concerning King Cyrus, who was not a Jew. He was not an Israelite, yet God refers to him as “God’s anointed.”
(Author’s comments: And so, in other words, King Cyrus, was like a man such as Donald Trump, I believe.
Having not been fully invested into the Jewish Faith or into the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit," aspect of God’s kingdom, as of yet.
God had already “called” the man and considered him his “anointed,” to help save America, just as King Cyrus had been called and anointed to save Israel.)
I ask “Google: ”Was King Cyrus considered "anointed," by the scriptures?
From “Google:”
Cyrus the Great is highly regarded in accounts of Jewish literature. It is likely that, after the Persian conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, he had commenced his relationship with exilic Jewish leaders, and the Book of Isaiah says that he was anointed by God.
King Cyrus of Persia would one day make it possible for the Jews to return home from their exile in Babylon (see the book of Ezra). Isaiah predicted this great event, even mentioning Cyrus by name (Isa. 44:28; 45:1), some 150 years before Cyrus's time….
Who was the anointed king in the Bible?
David often refers to his predecessor King Saul as “the Lord's anointed”, while God calls King Cyrus of Persia “his anointed” (Isaiah 45:1). Several passages – sprinkled throughout the Old Testament – mention an anointed one, and are clearly referring to Jesus (e.g., 1 Samuel 2:10, 35; Psalm 2:2; Daniel 9:24-26).
Now, of course, the entire emphasis of the Bible is that there is only one “Anointed One,” who is to be the Savoir of the world and that is Jesus Christ who proved it by a life which spelled out hundreds of “Prophecies,” from the revealed “word of God.”
The Bible states that David considered King Saul the “anointed one,” though we know through the Psalms that King David was also considered to be “God’s Anointed.”
Therefore, although Jesus was the ultimate “Anointed,” God recognized others.
Isaiah 45:1 New Living Translation
45 This is what the Lord says to Cyrus, his anointed one,
whose right hand he will empower.
Before him, mighty kings will be paralyzed with fear.
Their fortress gates will be opened,
never to shut again.
So, my point is that when you wonder how our President elect overcame such insurmountable odds at all of the accusations, lawfare, political enemies desiring to crush him, let alone the assassins trying to kill him, perhaps, just perhaps, maybe, it’s possible, who knows, it might be that God has considered him “my anointed?”
And because of this he has had a little “celestial,” help where others haven’t?
I mean, it almost makes it an “unfair advantage,” which I am sure would cause his enemies to scream, “Penalty.”
Unfortunately, though, God don’t play your games homey!
Last week, I wrote a paper explaining a part of God’s nature in relationship to man. The following is an excerpt:
Taken from an earlier paper:
“Nonetheless, the lesson that I wish to share today is how this “Prophet,” used to pray for his family. You see, he would tell story after story about how he had prayed over the last four or five decades for his immediate family and some extended members. The man had some amazing stories. Nevertheless, after he would tell these amazing stories about getting his own family healed, he explained to us that God would only allow him to do it one time.
I am sure there were exceptions, yet he would tell us that once he prayed for an individual in his family, it was nearly impossible for him to do it a second time. You see, God would tell him, “No, I can no longer do it, because ‘they need to have the faith to be healed by ‘my word’ which you have been preaching for fifty or so years. “
You see, God knew that this family had all heard a hundred or thousand sermons preached by Brother Hagin, and the way God looked at it, was he would heal one of them the first time, but after that they were expected to ‘NOW,’ have the Faith to approach God themselves in order for God to move again in order to heal them.
And see, this is a principle of God’s nature, God doesn’t look kindly on those who take that “talent,” of “Faith” and bury that in the ground." God wants to see initiative. God wants to see a people who are willing to do something.
He doesn't expect his children to just go through life expecting the world or someone else to do everything for them.
And so in the last few days as you watch these “Wildfires,” destroy Los Angelos, this same principle should be understood, as to why God allows such a thing to happen.
God will protect the land up until a point for the sake of man. Yet if man has been warned about the dangers of not clearing the forests properly, if the land management and politicians refuse to invest in the storage of water, if they just don't give a crap about anything other than "saving," a minnow.....well, then Satan comes before the court of heaven, and he brings his case before God.
AI Overview
In the Bible, Job 1:6-12 and Job 2:1 describe Satan appearing in the heavenly court before God concerning Job.
He says, God you no longer have a right to protect those wildfires from burning down the city because even though the politicians have been warned and even though the mayors and the governor know the dangers, they refuse to take action to protect the land.
Well, God might say to Satan, "I understand what you are saying, but man is fickle and lazy I am not going to allow you to do it this year."
Next year, same scenario.
Next year same scenario, but this year the mayor has cut millions from the budget, the governor becomes more arrogant concerning the utilization of water, so finally God has to agree, and he says, "Go ahead," those are the nutcase leftist, I can no longer protect them because they are only performing their jobs from PRIDE.
Today, as I was watching a report from one of Fox News best, he showed us a house completely untouched by a scorch of fire upon the house. This house which was located in a neighborhood of similar houses was surrounded by others which had all burnt to the ground. I mean for blocks, yet this house was "untouched."
Was sitting there all alone as if someone just erected it after the neighborhood burnt down.
Well, I have heard similar testimonies from Christians all of my life. Many times, from other countries.
They will tell similar miraculous stories, and they just know that they know that it was God who saved their home.
And I am not suggesting that these individuals are any more holy that any other Christians in LA, but what I am saying is that “they had all of their ducks in a row,” for God to perform a miracle on their behalf.
Or perhaps, God saved their house, so that I can testify that God is able, so long as you don’t “tie God’s hands.”
Nonetheless, this is what these politicians have done to God, by completely ignoring the warnings and diverting the funds which should have gone to the Fire Department.
I believe that I also heard that the mayor cut something like seventeen million from the budget which also should have gone to the Fire Department, as well, as sending some of their firefighting resources to Ukraine?
Who gives these Democratic politicians the authority to make these decisions?
Surely, not the people who are homeless and, on the street, tonight.
Nonetheless, this is what she allowed.
Therefore, Satan had been given a free hand to act against what these evil men and women have caused to happen.
Well, the consequences is that it “Rains on the just as well as the unjust.”
AI Overview
The phrase "it rains on the just as well as the unjust" is found in the Bible, specifically in Matthew 5:45 which states, "that you may be children of your Father in heaven: for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.".
Key points about this verse:
This verse is meant to illustrate that God's love and provision are not based on people's righteousness or sinfulness, as he provides for everyone equally, like rain falling on all regardless of their actions.
This verse is part of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches about the importance of loving one's enemies and being like God.
So, In this application of the principle, from Los Angelos, God can’t allow the actions of Satan to fall on only those who deserve punishment. If God allows Satan to carry out a scheme to steal, kill and to destroy men’s lives and livelihoods, which was the case. God is not able to come in and pick and choose, as to whose house he can save.
No, the “Rain,” is going to fall on both the just and the unjust, though it is not his specific “will.”
Nonetheless, it is what I was explaining last week. I believe that God has spared Donald Trump’s life a few times, nonetheless, this does not mean that God is going to do it a hundred times. God now expects the Secret Service, the government, his family to ever be watchful for the slightest sign of any abnormal situation.
And the same is true, when God gives warnings both to the citizens, as well as to the politicians concerning responsibility in running a government for the people.
How many times were the “Politicians,” in California, which the majority are all of one party, warned concerning the growth of foliage and underbrush which helped feed those fires?
How many times were these same “Politicians,” warned, even by Donald Trump himself concerning the waste of pouring millions and millions of gallons of water into the Pacific Ocean?
Who are the people which keep re-electing these Idiot radical ideological politicians which want to keep cutting the budgets of Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Fighters, Water Management Engineers and such.
Nevertheless, since you people out there in California pay the highest taxes nationally, I would think that you would wish to elect mentally competent politicians to run your cities.
Apparently, not!
But it is so much easier to blame God, since there are such a majority of anti-Christian individuals which reside there, right?
And I am not suggesting that God sent any of this because He was mad at your lack of belief in Him, I am just explaining that when you “mock,” God, live lives completely contrary to his ways, then you really shouldn’t expect Him to watch over your belongings and material possessions.
I was watching the news yesterday, and in one of the fires they kept reporting on an individual who kept returning to his house to “save,” those things dearest to him.
Well, here the man comes running out of the house with a “Monet,” or a “Picasso,” about five feet by seven feet and he puts it in his hatchback.
Well, the Fox News host, reports on the event and then says, something like, “It was a picture of a Pineapple.”
But you see, I thought, “Yea, that’s what makes Californians “Californians.”
They love to live here in La La Land in order to show off to their neighbors such treasure’s as “Portraits of Pineapples.”
Note to self: “They are all frigging crazy!”
In 1980, I saved just enough money to come to California and to enroll in a Seminary/Bible School. I just had enough for tuition, if that?
Around the first week, I ate in a Sambo’s one night directly across from Disneyland, and across from my school which was also located a few blocks away.
Waiting for my food to arrive, I ask the waitress, “What’s the deal with my order?”
She explained that the cook just walked out, I said, “Well, I am an excellent and fast short order cook and was hired that night.
A day or two later, I checked the bulletin board at school and found the number of a lady renting rooms. A few months later having gotten to know her a little better, we were in the kitchen talking and I am not sure how but she shared with me the cost of her mortgage.
Now, this was a one-story Ranch type house with a total of maybe three bedrooms which she had converted another room to make four bedrooms which she was renting a few of them out. Nonetheless, when she told me that the value of her house (what she had paid) was something like three hundred thousand dollars, I could not believe it.
I mean, in Michigan the same type of house in Lansing or Detroit might have been around fifty thousand dollars. Same middle class neighborhood. Who knows, perhaps a hundred at the very highest, I would have believed.
But this has always bothered me, I am talking about forty-six years ago. I can’t imagine what that house would be today.
Who knows, perhaps it is ashes?
Did the fires extend to Anaheim?
No, seriously, I often think why would someone wish to subject themselves to such absolute sheer nonsense by living in what has always been to me, known as, “The state of fruits and nuts.”
I have been there numerous times.
I recall when I spent eight weeks in New York City. I would find myself travelling the subways sometimes in the early morning, and I would see hundreds and thousands of young people, a few of them wearing uniforms, from Fast Food restaurants coming into Manhattan.
I thought, “Don’t these people understand that all they have to do is to grab their belongings, move to a state such as Oklahoma, Texas, the Midwest, the Carolina’s or whatever and they could get out of this “Hell on Earth,” life.”
Instead, they can’t own cars, many probably live a few people to each room, they have to get up very early to take a subway to Manhattan, then take one home, I would go ‘nuts.’
But you see, what happens to individuals is that they become “conditioned,” because it is the only life they know.
Well, my point here is that if you live in a “Blue,” city with politicians who haven’t done a damn thing for anybody in all of their political lives, if these jack-asses are bragging that they are “Sanctuary Cities,” I would get out now, I wouldn’t wait.
And the reason for this is because God’s hands are tied, he cannot help those ignorant buffoons, who have been warned and warned and warned that there is coming a cataclysmic fire approaching or a terrorist who is about to blow up a few thousand.
You see, as much as God wants to help human kind, it is still going to “Rain on the just, just as it rains on the unjust.”
Nevertheless, tragedies such as these "Wildfires are not the work of God."
God sent warning after warning to those who had the responsibility to prevent this from happening.
There is only one that takes pleasure and has that kind of ability, so as to steal, kill and to destroy the works of man, as well as man kind itself and his name is Satan.
Nevertheless, many times because of the protection of God, the Devil is unable to do it. Yet if man keeps opening the door by ignoring the "warnings," pulling the resources in which to battle such events, mismanages a hundred other safeguards which should be protecting the land, then it is like leaving your door open to any robber or thief to come in your house and to destroy it.
Lastly, I believe that another reason why these events were allowed to happen on the West coast was because on the East Coast, they have been preparing to put a man on trial, convict him and tomorrow sentence him, just as they did with God's son over two thousand years ago.
The following is from “Google,” and what it refers to was when Jesus prophesied to Jerusalem, in a sense, that after they reject the “anointed,” of God. after they reject God’s goodness to them then this would be the outcome:
AI Overview
Jesus said, “not one stone will be left upon another” in the Bible in Matthew 24:2 and Mark 13:2.
Mark 13:1-2 New Living Translation
(Jesus Speaks about the Future)
13 As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, “Teacher, look at these magnificent buildings! Look at the impressive stones in the walls.” 2 Jesus replied, “Yes, look at these great buildings. But they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!”
Well, wouldn't that be a 'Kick," if that was part of the reason why God allowed Satan to do the destruction that he has done in the last few days.
Do you understand what I am saying?
What if God looked at Donald Trump as "My Anointed," as he thought of King Cyrus, an unbeliever from centuries past. What if God thought of Donald Trump in the same way, as 'My Anointed." called to help America, as well, as the world in many aspects.
I am sorry, but as I am shown the aftermath of those "fires," I couldn't help but to think how many look as if there were hardly a stone upon another.
Billions of dollars up in smoke, with hardly a stone left upon another stone, all because "the enemy of God" wanted to do the same thing to a man today accused of starting a resurrection, just as God's son was accused in the same way over two thousand years ago.
You know, Jesus. Also Known As, "The Anointed of God."
Psalm 2:1-2 New Living Translation
1 Why are the nations so angry?
Why do they waste their time with futile plans?
2 The kings of the earth prepare for battle;
the rulers plot together
against the Lord
and against his anointed one.
Psalm 2:12 New Living Translation
12 Submit to God’s royal son, or he will become angry,
and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities—
for his anger flares up in an instant.
But what joy for all who take refuge in him!
Psalm 2:10-12 New Living Translation
10 Now then, you kings, act wisely!
Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
11 Serve the Lord with reverent fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
12 Submit to God’s royal son, or he will become angry,
and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities—…
1 Chronicles 16:22 NKJV
22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones,
And do My prophets no harm.”
Psalm 105:15 NKJV
15 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones,
And do My prophets no harm.”
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You know, I can’t honestly tell you about the many times in which I have written on one of my websites how that God will speak to me while I sleep. It is always the first thing which comes to my mind as I wake up from sleep.
“Well, it was a phrase and a statement that I heard, as I awoke a few minutes ago. It was the voice of God, and it said to me, “Ask the Democrats and the left if it all seems worth it, now?”
And then a story came to mind which I had heard a few decades ago. It had to do with Kathyrn Kuhlman’s ministry. For those who don’t know, Ms. Kuhlman was one of the most reputable Faith Healers of her day. Or of the last century. Nonetheless, it was a story of a lady who came to seek healing from Kathryn.
As the story went this woman had a disease or a number of ailments which had caused all kinds of issues, so the woman was not suffering from one debilitating disease or issue, but she had numerous problems all over her body.
Well, she comes to a Kuhlman meeting, and when the time came was cured of one thing right after another after Ms. Kuhlman had prayed for her.
I don’t know, perhaps it was arthurites all over her body or something like this which had just paralyzed every member of her body.
Nonetheless, the woman was cured of a whole list of things which were healed. So, I can imagine MS Kuhlman, “Ok dear, now try to walk, Okay sweetie, lift your arms up to God….
Anyway, after perhaps a half hour or hour and she was cured of almost every ailment, Kathyrn says that she can now go back to her seat.
The woman goes back to her seat, and she is checking everything out making sure that she was completely healed. A few minutes later, however, as she was asked by MS Kuhlman, she replies something like, “Well all was healed but I can’t seem to move my baby finger.”
At her reply, MS Kuhlman says, “Well that dearie, is why God left that alone, it is to be a reminder for the rest of your life of all that God has delivered you from.”
Well, I know how that many times people will fabricate all kinds of stories concerning these “Saints,”
which MS Kuhlman was. You know, they become legends and then one story is told a hundred times and eventually it gets to be fiction.
So, I am not saying that this is “Gospel Truth.”
But I can attest that the behavior of our healing God does fall in line with a merciful and wonderful God whom I have come to know.
Nevertheless, I am not suggesting that Donald Trump not appeal this conviction in which he received today. But I am sharing God’s perspective on the matter.
Although, the Democrats and the Left can now “gloat,” over the fact that Mr. Trump will be sworn in as a technical “Convicted Felon,” after being “Railroaded,” from an unjust “Justice System,” (only my opinion) I hope that they all find that their efforts were worth it because in the grand scheme of things, I don’t believe that they were.
I mean, here we have an “anointed fellow,” I believe from almighty God who was especially chosen to help with the “Hostage Situation, the Ukraine War, the upheaval in the Middle East, as well, as devoting the rest of his life into straightening out all of the screwed-up antics in which the Democrats have brought about in our own country.
This would include the billions and billions of dollars in which they have spent in order to import such illegals as murderers, rapist, child molesters, terrorists and the like.
And now that we have all of these criminals walking freely around in our country, they have placed the onus on his shoulders to rid the Nation of such serious “FELONS.”
Which by the way is going to cost the taxpayers many more billions and billions of dollars.
Thank you, Joe Biden, what a complete “hack,” that you have been all of your life!
You and all of your Democratic friends of the last century.
Added an hour later:
If you have time between now and Eternal Damnation?
Added four o’ clock, 1-10-2025
You know, there is another thing that really bothers me and that is that we have no idea how these fires started. I suppose that it could be possible that they were purposely set.
I mean, since this administration has flown into the country hundreds of “Got aways,” who could not have been ‘vetted,’ properly. Not to mention the millions in which they have allowed to just walk across the border, I wonder how many were “Pathological Arsonists,” or future “Terrorists?”
And I say this because it is just not possible to properly “ vet” that many individuals picked up, as they are not even sure of the countries they claim to have come from.
False IDs are a dime a dozen today.
Nevertheless, even if none were “Arsonists,” we still have hundreds of possible “Terrorists,” who have all been given a lesson on how to cause America millions of dollars in damage, and how to singularly steal, kill and to destroy the lifeblood of America’s cities and state economies.
All by attaining a simple “Book of Matches.”
Once again, “Joe, Kamala, your pathetic supporters,” the country thanks you!
(And I was just thinking, “Who is going to want to rebuild a ten-to-thirty-million-dollar home in California, when you are aware that there are hundreds of criminal illegals all walking around the country carrying a pack of matches in their pockets, just waiting for next years “Santa Ana Winds,” to start blowing?
“Oh, I forgot, since Los Angelos will be a “sanctuary city,” in this coming year, most likely there will be enough in the area, where you wouldn’t have to expect those from other states?
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